Monday, June 15, 2009

Why I hate the Lakers!!!

Call me Ebenezer Scrooge, but i refuse to give any credit to the Los Angeles Lakers, Im still trying to figure out where my hatred that is second only to the Yewts, comes from.. So in trying to understand all of this, i have attempted a "TOP TEN REASONS, I HATE THE LAKERS"

10-Jack Nicholson, Now i know he's not a player, but i cant stand when you want to watch the freakin game and there showin Jack and all his buddies who are watching an indoor game with flippen sunglasses.. Seriously!!!! what the heck! get a life! and get off your freakin high horse and realize your no better than the person sitting on the very top row of the Staples Center.

9-Phil Jackson, This one just might cause a little controversy. Either Phil is the greatest Coach in the world. Or he's a product of what happens when he has one of the greatest basketball players of our time.... lets see, he's coached..Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen,Shaq and kobe and now Kobe, Pau the spanish cave man, lamar Odom. What would happen if he had Dwill, Booz, or memo? Or if he was Coaching the LA Clippers.?

8-Laker Fans, Now i understand that not all LakerFans are band wagen jumbers, i mean.....for instance Frank at work is a true laker fan, one i give crap to everytime i can, and he gives it right back for the jazz.haha. but for every Frank, there's like a hundred idiots that think oh...the lakers are doing good again, i better go get some laker gear and act like im their #1 fan.. lame wads!

7-Just the Fact their in LA makes me hate them, and yes i even hate the dodgers! oh even the college teams are lame! USC...hmmm. if im a high school senior and i need alittle money, go play at USC, Pete Carroll Seems to pay a good amount to players..haha. and UCLA...ya, way to go Ben Olson! that was a great move for ya.

6-Lakers Payroll $78.9 Million Jazz Payroll $65.6 Million, Good Heck, with a payroll of nearly 79 million, i hope your always playing for a championship.

5- Sasha is a flippen retard! you touch him and he acts like you just commited an assault!

4- Way to go DFISH!! i still think he didnt leave Utah for the reasons he stated. and for that your my #4 of why i hate the lakers!
3- Gasol, after noticing the Geico banner in the Staples Center.

2- hmmm odom,dfish,bryant, sasha, and cave man.. I dont think you could assemble a more pompous group of idiots!
1- Kobe Bryant is the number 1 reason of why i hate the lakers!, I actually liked Kobe when he first came into the league, but its amazing what a little bit a fame will do to a person and their ego. Kobe, you'll never be the player Michael Jordan was. and you'll never be the player Labron will become!
peace out!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Due to explicit language in some of the songs, all are strongly cautioned!!

Scott & Michelle

Well, since Scott wont tell anyone about his big news unless asked about it, I thought i would take the liberty of announcing that 1 week ago today Scott and Michelle became Engaged!!! Now i dont know if this post should have a funeral like feel to it or a "good golly miss molly" feel... So i guess I'll go with the funeral flow! haha.

June 1st 2009

July 23rd 1982-June 1st 2009

Scott James Maynard, Trusted Son, brother, uncle, Friend. quietly passed as he wanted , that being, no one knowing!! He was described by those who knew him as a risk taker,a thrill seeker, and bone breaker, He loved life and the many challenges that were sent his way. when people got in Scotts way, he often reverted to physical violence, whether it was on the basketball court, or Football field we could always count on someone getting knocked out due to his intense playing style!

Scott's sense of humor, his willingness to do anything and bold verbal skills as a wing man will be sorely missed! and yet it wont!!

Our Friend Scott became very sick the day he met one Michelle Baxter, it would be Michelle that would cause his un timely death. Michelle and Scott started dating in november of 08, When asked why Michelle love scott she simply said " because he buys me pretty things" one day when scott was just with his friends he was asked "why do you love michelle?" his answer??? very profound..he liked that her dad goes fishing and hunting. and true that is.! As time grew on and there relationship grew, so did Scotts illness, untill it finaly consumed him June 1st. the shrug of the shoulders will always be missed, but knowing that he finally found someone who he could devote his life to and love forever eases any pain ensued due to his death. Scott if your out there reading this, know you ve been the best friend anyone could ask for. Now that his life has ended so has his once beloved free time.. On behalf of your friends. we will be sure to take pictures of 4 wheelin, basketball. softball. fishing, and anyother activities that randomly come our way.:-) May she treat you well buddy.. happy marriage to the both of you!! i am truely happy for you! Michelle, so help me.. if you hurt him in anyway, i will......jk:-) and now for a blog toast... Scott, Michelle, may your little family be full of love and laughter. and never, ever, forget about uncle Britten or else!!!! Congrats you two!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Brother Eric

My little brother is probably one of the few people i look up to, i may be 6 inches taller than him, but Eric towers over me!
Eric is currently on a Mission in Madrid Spain!! and is loving it!! Eric had a hard time deciding if he was going to go, but in the end the Lord always wins, and Eric is serving him with all his "heart, might, mind and strength"
Here's alittle back ground on my brother and his story.
Eric attended Riverton High School, and was on the track team, he did Long Jump, High Jump, 100 m,and 200 m and excelled at every event. Long jump was his baby, as a sophmore and junior he took second in State. Colleges from all over the state and a few from out of state were recruiting him. As the outdoor season began, Eric Tore his Groin before region started and it was a really bad tear! he wasnt able to jump in the region meets. The Region Championships came up and were held at Copper Hills that year. well if Eric wanted a chance to go to State he had to place at region. haha we wrapped his groin so much it made his right leg look deformed. haha. Eric's turn came up, as i was by the pit i noticed him grimicing as he was running down the runway and again as he jumped. it was a ok jump, but it was enough to get him to State!! as i went up to give him there were tears coming down his face, i hugged him and asked what was wrong? he just said it hurts like hell! haha, yeah i could only imagin!! haha. usualy when Eric would jump, he would do a front flip for fun, haha but he could barley walk after that. As the State Meet came up we tried everything known to man to get his groin to just hold for the meet. The night before the meet my Dad gave him a blessing that he would be able to perform the best he can and that he would be free of any pain for this meet. Well Sat morning arrived and we headed down to BYU, i walked around with Eric, threw the football around, just chilled and joked around, trying to keep him loose. Eric's First Jump was Incredible!!!....well considering his condition! haha. but with his fist jump it put him in first place, and it would be that jump that he won State with!
Eric Decided to sign with UVSC, and he attended there for a semester before moving back home and working on getting ready to serve a mission.. Before Eric got his call, my mom had him write down where he would like to go, and number one on his list was spain. haha we all had a good laugh when he received his call and it said "you are hereby asigned to labor in the madrid spain mission.. Man! what an exciting time.!!! Well, Eric is Serving in Toledo spain at the moment and loving it! Its been amazing to see the transformation that has taken place with my little bro. He read the Book of Mormon for the first time just before he left, haha and before that he didnt know the difference between noah and moses. and know he talks of the Gospel as if he's known it forever! If there is one thing us Goldhardts pride ourselves on its knowing the Doctrine! and now Eric is right there as well!! Eric has been an amazing example to me! the last year and two months i have seen a young man grow into a man! ive seen a cocky teenager who only cared for himself , learn to absolutely love the people of Spain! Hahaha he has also learned to get along with with companions he didnt care for! haha. This last week i asked Eric to tell me the most important thing that he had learned so far.. and here it is..oh. his grammer is ten times worse than mine.. sorry...
"hey bro well i got some time realy fast , the bigest thing that i have learned on my mission is the atonment of jesucristo and the power it has to changs peoples lifes it has help me in my life to forgive people, as well as love others, and i have seen it works milagros the other peoples life its the best thing that we can have in our life right now coupled with the gospel of jesucristo and a livivng profeta. it is only throught the atonment me can go back into the prescen of the father , i now that when jesus washed the feet of the apostals that the law of moises was fullfulled and that it was then the dead were able to be ressurected with christ and recive the blessing s of the gosple brit this is the church of jesucristo i know it to be true i love my mission i thought i would hate it , its taken almost a year to like it , i have struggled early on with the language, but i know Heavenly Father listens and answers prayers. as i continued to move forward i can say i now love my mission. Brit i loved hearing your stories of your mish, the trials and crazy experiences you told helped me know that i to could overcome and come out on top. and you know what...i have. i will always be greatful for your example in serving the lord, i hope that i can to come home knowing i worked as hard as i could and had no regrets just leaving everything out there! i know that by inviting people to come unto christ that they too can live a better life and be saved and receive the belssing s that are waiting them we have a living profeta i have felt the spirit testify and tell my hes called of god and same with the 12 apostles britt i leave this testimony with you in thy son name Jesus Christ amen "
Eric, if you ever read this, know that i love you! you have turned into the man i knew you were always capable of. Your Testimony has helped me in crappy times, it has also strengthened my own testimony. Eric, i miss ya bud! more than you will ever know! but im grateful that your serving the Lord! its where you need to be at this time in your life. You will have experiences that no one else will ever have and learn more than someone who didnt go. Remember bro, No regrets, oh, and most importantly, Give em' heaven, Baptize the hell outta them!! :-)
peace out little g.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A great Week for BYU FOOTBALL!!!

Probably the greatest day in BYU recruiting History came this last thursday. Jake Heaps the top rated Quarterback in the Country, announced at a press conference at Iggy's downtown that he'll be attending BYU, The entire Restaurant erupted into loud cheers and chants of BYU...BYU...BYU...BYU.. but he wasnt done. He then introduced Ross Apo, a one time University of Texas Committ, and Zack Stout. The Three Stooges all announcing there intentions of playing Football for BYU!! i have never seen so much excitement for recruits in my life!! but im cautious! i dont want so much pressure being put on these 17-18 year olds! Is a BCS game lingering in our future?? i hope so! i cant stand being bombarded at work by lame yewts who think because they have two good years there gods gift to earth. but we'll always have something they wont....A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Today has ended up being a great day!! it was supposed to rain, but i highly doubt that as im looking outside right now... so that means one thing.....GOLF Tee Time at 4. I cant wait!!!
Well i guess this is my first entry, probably lame..i know..but i'll eventually get the hang of it..